Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer Solstice

We've been waiting for this day, the longest day of the year, for the longest time. We had faith - or hope - that it will bring us to a very new reality. Did it though?

I had a very interesting day. It started while we still were watching a movie, Australia. A person recommended it to me back in February. Her suggestion was to watch for a character, a wise man, in a movie. A few months later, I did. And as always, there is a good reason for everything: I would not appreciate it as much then. Now I am not only grateful for the recommendation, but for a lesson that comes with it. The movie is not about supernatural power, or a wise man. It is about a woman - one woman who changes lives of many on the entire continent by changing her view on her own life. It is after all a story about magic, a magic of love that makes people invincible even in the time of war, and that withstands the greatest evil ever - the fear of love. The movie clearly continued the theme started the day before.

Yesterday, when we went with my little one to Barnes & Nobles to get books for his summer reading, a paperback jumped from a shelf into my hands. The Awakening, I read, by Kate Chopin. The title was on target, but so what? I turned the book and read the back cover... The book made it home with me. The reason was very simple: someone was daring enough to write on the subject one hundred years ago! And I've been dreadful to make progress with my book, fearful of being too frank about people's awakening now, when it is so real!

Both, the movie and the book, are telling me the same: at the end, the only thing you own is your story. "I try to live a good one," a character in Australia said. But by writing, I can live as many stories as I can imagine! And believe me, my stories give me real power, unlike illusions many walk in for ages. However, none is better then the other, for it is a free choice for anyone.

Back to the solstice, that took place this morning at 1:45 a.m. EDT. Because of the length of the movie, I was still up for the long awaited moment. It was powerful. And once again, I felt that what we do, the biggest and most important steps, take place in our everyday life, often unnoticed. We do not notice them because we rarely live in a moment awaiting an extraordinary event that will change something for us - we hope. Yet, we know that the changes source from the heart, and all the heart knows is one single moment of eternity. Feel it?

Today was a special day. And if you had hoped that everything would change today at 1:45 a.m. - have faith that it did. It is up to you (free choice!) how and when it will manifest in your life. Remember: allow, not control, take your time, and accept your Self unconditionally. Welcome Hope, Charity, and Faith into your life, for those sisters are all powerful indeed.

Happy Summer!

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