Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Central Sun

November 24, 2010
Princeton, NJ

Crystalline Beauty of This World

***This poem is no longer available here. It is to be released as a part of a collection Language of Light: Poetry of Refinement in digital and printed formats.

Look for the Language of Light on in the nearest future. Meanwhile, order your copy of Orange Wings: Poetry of the Shift (2012) and experience a different level of consciousness.  

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Getting Out Of Your Own Way

Often we are trying to reach for the higher Self from our physical plane, and we struggle. All it takes is to allow our higher Self to come to our consciousness, for everything we need to know is inside. It is just not inside our physicality, as yet.

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Conscious Creation

I opened predominantly orange cover of my new notebook, Nebula, on the 10th of the month and allowed the writing to start its flow. I read it today, in amazement. A "flow" does not mean "flawless" but means freedom to be awed.

It is time to set on a new journey. It starts on the first page today. It starts where the previous effort brought us. It starts hand to hand with Archangels and Ascended Masters as we set on our journey together.

Step by step, we are getting closer to the manifestation of the miracles in the physical world as an integral part of this World. Step by step, we are bringing physicality to where it once started as a thought, as an intention of curiosity of The Creator. It is time.

It is time to be conscious, curious, and masterful. It is time to start a new book, and it is time to spread Light with certainty, seniority and graciousness that will ground Heaven on Earth. And so it is.

November 10, 2010.

On November 9th, in a NASA's press release it was shared that the scientists have recently discovered a gigantic, mysterious structure in our galaxy[1]. It has a shape of the infinity sign, and emits gamma rays - the rays that can be harmful to a carbon-based body but speak directly to a crystalline structure[2]. A mere miracle. But we all know that Santa does not really exists; someone creates those miracles. And the team is big - it has to be, for there is no limit to the miracles in this world.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Resentment, Cleared

As a holiday or a birthday approaches, we feel an inner desire to look around and clear our space. What we create then is a space for celebration.

I look around today with an intention to clear my space, and sense resentment. Asking for assistance, I take courage to face one by one those instances where the sensation occurs. In doing that, I soon realize that it is a very charged feeling, meaning that little resentment against a fellow driver on a road creates a ripple of outrageous driving all along my path. Since I am paying attention, I have a chance to see clearly. I see a lot, yet I observe without stepping in.

With a sense of gratitude for shining light onto the issues I intend to clear, I move on with the task. I am certain in my desire to succeed, and I feel victorious, happy, and ready for a Celebration tomorrow.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Celebration, Continues

Still Life, November 2009.
Paper, acrylic.
Inspiration and instructions by Marina Ahunbabaeva.
Background inspiration by Demon Sitting, Mikhail Vrubel (1856-1910).

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Passion Creation

It is not staying in your house that will keep it for you in the future. It is going out and doing things that you are passionate about that will do it. That is how we create - by leaving our comfort zone and leading ourselves into the Passion Creation.

A Celebration

A Celebration, November 2008.
Paper, acrylic.
Inspired by Marina Gorelenkova.
Instructed by Marina Ahunbabaeva.

Monday, November 15, 2010


"Sometimes it is the subtle things that make the difference between just ordinary and very special."
- From the back cover of my new notebook Nebula, acquired while experiencing the Black Holes: Space Warps & Time Twists at the Yale Peabody Museum.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Так Просто /So Simple/

/с первой страницы только что законченного блокнота/

Страницы белизну вскрывая,
Как будто руку подставляю
И на ладони, позволяя,
Случиться чуду повелю.

Ведь чудеса - простая штука.
Пошла другим путем наука
И заблудилась в дебрях глухо,
А дело просто обстоит:

Мечтая, мы творим реальность.
Играя, мы несем ментальность.
И всех наук конгениальность
Любви чудес не объяснит.

July 7, 2010
Princeton, NJ

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Vortex of 11-11

A sunset vortex Michael, 10, has noticed today from his room. He wanted it photographed.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

On Black Holes

The universe is under no obligation to make sense.
 - Robert Kirshner, Astronomer, Harvard University

Last Friday, Michael and I had experienced fairly powerful energies at Black Holes: Space Warps & Time Twists, the Yale Peabody Museum's fall exhibition. The aftermath of the event included two aching heads and one Droid camera's loss of most of the pictures taken there. The exhibit created sustainable excitement nevertheless.

As I sat last night to write down reflections from my trip, my hand started to move in excitement. I had no control over the information or words, and had to step out of my own way. Below is what came out of it, and it is under no obligation to make sense - as yet.

What I am to write about today is an interesting topic, to say the least. Actually, it is rather a dangerous one, for due to the lack of knowledge on what is the phenomenon of black holes is there is no way to prove - or dismiss completely - what is going to be said. So, let's do it.

What is known today about black holes is pretty accurate description of what can be perceived on the physical plane as transcribed from the universal language of energy in motion. All that exists includes "black holes" as its integral part, and it knows no distinction between a "hole" and "matter", for everything is one whole existence.

The black holes exist for you because you do not understand the true unity - the continuity - of All That Is. Once you get to the point of "seeing" how it works, you will be [delighted] knowing how all the parts, including black holes, work. The excitement will be much similar to that caused by a harmonious problem solving to an eager mind - beautiful indeed. What we want to tell you is never to stop questioning.

And yes, we do make available more and more knowledge and understanding to your civilization here on the planet as we watch you accepting more and more responsibility for your choices and actions.

You will make it, our dearest angels of planet Earth. You will fully and unconditionally make it this time. Espavo.

Monday, November 8, 2010

On Leadership

You either lead, or are being used. The latter does not necessarily mean someone is "using" you. They could, although you might simply feel that way. Yet when it is a reality for your feelings, it becomes your reality.

Leading however does not mean controlling, nor has it anything to do with managing in order to get things done.

Leading means inspiration, insight, and anticipation. Leading means surrendering, allowing, and creating. Leading means freedom, flow, and flexibility.

Leading means happiness and appreciation of resources. Leading means abundance, well-being, and gratitude. Fall in love with the leader you are, and get excited about the miracles you can create then.

How do you feel now? And do not forget to share your experiences - your inspiration is much needed in this world!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Autumnal Improvisation

Autumnal Improvisation, a sketch. 2008.
Paper, pencil, acrylic.
Inspired and instructed by Marina Ahunbabaeva.