Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Today's Skies: Wings to Hands

They said this morning:

"We are stepping back now. That does not mean we are not going to help - just ask. But the game is in your hands."

Do we allow ourselves to be Who We Are fully and in joy? Then, the Life will be what it was created to be: Peace, Balance, and Harmony.

Thank you for being Who You Are.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


***This piece is no longer available here. It now appears as a part of a collection Orange Wings: Poetry of The Shift in digital and printed formats.

Look for Orange Wings on Amazon.com:

Orange Wings [Kindle Edition]
Publisher: com.Unity; 1 edition (April 1, 2012)

Orange Wings [Paperback]
Publisher: CreateSpace; 1 edition (April 30, 2012)
ISBN-13: 978-1475286663
ISBN-10: 147528666X

Follow Orange Wings on Facebook:

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Shifting Personal Focus With The Shift

There is much going on these days on the levels where we cannot see nor comprehend it rationally. We feel it nevertheless, and it makes us confused more and more often. So instead of trying to make sense of it in the physical body, look at it from the I AM point of view. With the changes your dense bodies are going through, you deserve your own respect and kindness. Be patient, and choose what to focus upon with care.

If you choose to read the messages below, please treat them as perfume or essential oils: Allow them entrance you senses letting go of the need to know the ingredients.  Just remember: If you are reading it, it is about you and for you.

November 27, 2009
Moscow, Russia
1:25 AM

Dear Beloved,

It is I, master Kuthumi, willing to talk to you right now to tell you something you shall never forget. This is of such urgency and importance that I asked you out of bed, and asked you to write it down so you can never think over what I said and change the meaning, or forget.

Earth is New now. Earth has graduated into a Star now as we speak. (Yes, you have had this information already; nevertheless, listen carefully). Earth has evolved into a star with all the humanity with it. No, we did not expect it to happen. No, we are not just surprised - we are astonished by what you, our Ambassadors on the planet, have achieved. Bravo.

T: All the Kingdoms?

Worry not. They are just where you are. Remember we spoke of the Unified Field of Oneness? Here we are; have never been closer to that since the fall of unified consciousness. Welcome! We say, to All.

We love you beyond words.
We love you.

You are Love.
You are Light.
You are Soul.


T: Thank you, your majesty!

December 2, 2009
Princeton, NJ
6:06 PM ET

Dear Beloved,

It is I, Zadkiel, speaking to you to let you know of the deeds you've been asking about.

Yes, the humanity is home like we said. However, it does not mean that everyone will consciously realize where they are now. It also is according to the plan. Everything is in perfect and divine order - always.

You are who you are.

T: What does it mean?

You do not need to comprehend it - feel it.

With much love form the Heart.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Do Question, Not Doubt

Based on feedback about the latest posts, I have a question for you: Why do you think I am sharing conversations with AA and Masters with you? So you know I hear voices in my head? Or because of the information you cannot find elsewhere? Or to make sure I no longer have to worry about holiday shopping for I have no friends left to give to?

Let's make it simple: I have a very clear reason for doing what I am doing. My passion - as well as my biggest ambition - is for You to trust yourself enough to ASK the questions you have, to stay still to ALLOW receiving your answers right where your questions were asked, and to remember the Light That You Are.

You have the same connections as anyone else around You. True, we might be from different Soul Families, and it only adds to the Beauty of All That Is. But we are all connected to the Source, and it is only matter of learning how to use it. It builds inner trust, and that in turn adds to your well-being. Sharing the experience helps to ease the process, and realize the joy of it; it helps me, you, and everyone else.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Inner Peace

I am seeking inner peace. It feels like I need clarity, but what is a "need"? If you are in need, it is already not seeing clearly, for we are surrounded with unconditional love and abundance at any given moment - but only when we remember that there is nothing but that single moment of being.

I AM Love. I AM Soul. I AM Light. I AM That I AM...

What is it that I am seeking again??

I Am Love. I Am Light. I AM.


November 19, 2009
P.S. Seems to be as relevant today as it was the day I wrote it down. Perhaps, at a different level; perhaps, much lighter :)

Saturday, December 12, 2009


It is yet another special day today for at least a couple of reasons (just find your own and enjoy), and I asked the AA and Ascended Masters to tell us what is the single most important thing we can do these days. I am ready:

Hello Dear Ones! We greet you today with our blessings from the Heart. We are really impressed with what you are doing these days in your physical bodies: You should see it from our point of view! Impressive, magnificent, brilliant: those would be just a few words we can use. But more than the words can say, we would like you to feel our appreciation and gratitude for your effort. You are actually learning how to live with ease, stay in balance most of the time, what the joy of being is, and even how to allow us to help you! Wow! And we love to laugh with you.

So, our gift to You - all of you and every one of You - is to laugh together. Make it fun, make it joy, make it worth living in a physical body by laughing in the greatest joy of all - knowing Who You Are and allowing others to see it.

We love you - and laughing with you - beyond words. Happy Holidays, Beloveds!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Allowing (continues)

A Conversation with Master Kuthumi
October 25, 2009
On a plane, MSP - EWR, after Mastering Alchemy Midterm Weekend

Let me start by saying that your work as a group this weekend was expansive and deserves a high praise. It is a human feeling to block a high praise, at least partially: Do not. It serves you as an indicator that you are on the right path. Your role in ascension of this planet no longer has a room for pseudo-modesty.

All the Kingdoms that are closely watching your work - and play - are excited beyond words, for your conscious creation unmistakeably shows the direction you as humanity have chosen. We Are going to be One. Once again, diversity will be a true blessing.

It is imperative on this chosen path that you stay focused [within] and be consciously connected with the Infinite. Do not be attached to words, concepts, ideas - be flexible, and be solid in Who You Are. The world outside of that will start to dissolve, and you have a chance to stay with it [i.e., not to ascend]. This is why you should clearly understand that your importance is not in this dissolving world, but in the real one.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Today's theme is allowing, and the concept seems to apply to everything I experience these days. Thus, I finally decided to allow myself to share latest conversations with AA and Ascended Masters. In essence, all of them have the same message for us: Allow yourself to remember Who You Are.

In the beginning of the conversation below, Master Kuthumi asked to follow your feelings precisely while listening to the message. And just a reminder that these shared conversations are addressed to you. There indeed exist parts that are personal, and I keep those for myself. Enjoy the light behind the words.

A Conversation with Master Kuthumi
October 23, 2009
On a plane, EWR - MSP

I am to talk to you today about your not-so-distant in your future Path, for it is instrumental that You understand fully and limitlessly that Who You Are and what your intentions in the process are. (Do not be concerned with the phrasing, please; concentrate on the inner feeling).

That Who You Are determines what You are doing next. And that "next" is not your logical next step. It is a transformational change that will lead to opening of the conscious mind to the picture of the Infinite. Yes.

You see, what you could conceive before with your "oh-so-logical" (your words :)) mind is nothing in terms the Infinite "operates" with. It was essential nevertheless to get to the point where you allowed your limit-ness to allow imagining its infiniteness. That is/was the starting point.

Now, you keep thinking about the Rays and its relation to the Archetypes [in human subconscious]. There is indeed a relation. It is not relevant however to our path. Humanity will allow those to be replaced by the underlying aspects created with Light in assistance of the Rays. Good enough? Yes, indeed, You have to focus on what is ahead, and not what is to be left behind. Keep your intentional focus, and feel it getting stronger every human day.

We are stepping back now, for you need some breathing in a silenced mind space. Enjoy. We love you beyond words.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Place for Certainty

With the latest wild weather swiping over the continent, yesterday's communication about staying in a still point makes even more sense. The facts do not though.

My husband called this morning from Santa Barbara, CA, with a question of how much snow have we gotten in New Jersey.

"What snow? It is 50 degree, and we are flooded!"

It was his turn to be surprised:

"It was near freezing point in Santa Barbara last night," he reported...

Still looking for certain order of things in this new world? It is certainly different, and all is well. Just be certain about what brings joy to your life, and stay in your heart. That is where you find the stillness of that of a hurricane's eye, and the certainty of your well-being.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

On Staying Still

From Master Kuthumi:

Staying still, my dear, is something that once mastered will bring you the clarity to see what the world truly is and, as a result, what You are made of. (A soft smile).

Staying still is as important in your everyday life (and survival) as it is for the deep understanding of your path. Stay still and listen attentively; do not chase visions or insights of any rational sort, and do not seek logical explanations. Yes, your train of thoughts about "not thinking" from your various trainings is right on target. Your target is to let go, and let go with ease. Instead of falling over you'll gain balance this way. But you have to release any tension first. Just remember: anything you do, do with ease and joy. Find your smile, and keep it in your heart at all times: It will show. Yes, that is exactly what you feel now. Well done. Now you can go (a smile) and be who You Are: You are Light, You are Love, You are Soul. And we love you beyond words.

Monday, December 7, 2009

A Simple Paradox of Today's Living

"If you allow yourself to think for one moment of the paradoxes, contradictions and logical difficulties involved, you will be lost. The movie supports no objective thought", critic Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times, wrote in his review about The Time Traveler's Wife. How is the concept different from our real life? And what do I do with it?

Every time a feeling of loosing the grounds of logical thinking comes over, I remind myself of a simple truth of being: Living with ease, in balance, and in-joy. It works.

And as for the movie, it made perfect sense to my senses. :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

A Step

It's that step that you do despite [fill in your habitual thought about self] that takes you to the top. Ready? Action!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Путешествие к Себе /On the Journey to a Personal Discovery, in Russian/

С благодарностью и любовью всем моим дорогим Москвичам: От всего сердца спасибо за то, что вы есть!

В Москве одиннадцать часов
Сгустились тучи
Упрямо-сер небес покров
Ноябрь тягучий.

Толпясь, людей поток в метро
Не замечает,
Что время новое пришло -
И не до чая.

На кухне долго обсуждать,
Что кризис прочит,
Со страхом "завтра" ожидать
Нет больше мочи.

Сегодня небо отразит
Тот свет, что льется
Из сердца каждого: в Москву
Вернется солнце.

Задумчиво лучом скользнув
По колокольням,
Припомнит солнце, где пошло
Путем окольным.

С улыбкой смотрит Михаил
На возрожденье,
И сообщает Гавриил
О пробужденьи.

Архангелы с небес глядят,
Прозрачны тучи.
Для взгляда нового на мир
Пермит получен.

Утихло все. Огни не спят
В Москве уставшей.
Зари с надеждой ждем. Наш взгляд -
На настоящем.

Да будет Свет. Да будет Дух.
Любовь - да будет.
Всё, что мы есть обретши вдруг
Уж не забудем.

Вот и пришли... Но нет конца
Пути Вселенной:
Поэму город написал,
И всё вам честно рассказал
Он вдохновенно.

25 ноября 2009 г.

Cosmic Love: A Boolean Wink

An open heart/mind is the portal to the universe.
- Kaho Koinuma, Sacred Mandalas of the Heart, Cosmic Love

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