Thursday, July 11, 2013

Allow me to introduce to you my new website

As a Mastering Alchemy Teacher, I offer a body of work that allows you to be who you are, to let go of who you are not, and to live, think, and feel in present moment.

See you at Allowing Mastery's events in the Princeton, NJ area!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy 2013!

May this year bring you the sense of ease, freedom and accomplishment as you choose to be conscious about being certain, capable, commanding, present, senior, and happy. May you choose to see beauty within and around you, think with your heart, and be the elegant, gracious, kind being you truly are.

Welcome to the New Earth and the New You!

Monday, December 3, 2012

A 12-12 Update

My dear loyal readers, first time guests, friends, hello!

I am delighted at the chance to talk to you today, and appreciate your search for light and passion in your life, for you would not be here otherwise.

I have not been posting in this space for quite some time. And while I have filled many journal pages, I miss sharing my insights and transmissions here. So, I thought while I am getting ready for the conference next week in Arizona where we will gather on the 12-12-12 to anchor the new consciousness on the planet, I will tell you that all is well.

All is well with all of the creation; all is well with our universe and the planet; all is well with the weather and the people; all is well with your friends and family; and, perhaps, all is well with you. The last statement is up for your approval.

Things are not as they appear, and when you remember that your perspective shifts allowing you to see with your heart and to understand with your feelings. This shift is what aligns you with your wise self and allows you to see the truth: All is always well.

There are many sources, many wonderful channels that provide you with insightful information and practical tools. It is your intention to find what benefits you and to use it daily is what counts. For instance, you can find a well of information here:

May you walk through the 12-12-12, 12-21-12, and this Holiday season in joy and happiness, fully conscious of who you are in this physical form.

Be loyal to yourself, feel royal within yourself, and respect your being above all your doings.

See you soon!

Journals: Discoveries, poetry, transmissions, 2008 - 2012.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sunset Reflection

A reflection of the sunset on the East
October 12, 2012, Princeton, NJ

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Mark Your Calendar

Today signifies a new beginning. And although we are not yet fully aware of what has began today, it is worth remembering this date as the beginning of the new world. The shift has been creating a momentum, and the physical world has shifted to where the smile in the heart prevails.

It is time: It is the time to celebrate; it is the time to begin to create your life from the sense of ease, freedom, and accomplishment; it is the time to light that smile in the heart and allow it to shine.

Happy Celebration!

August 15, 2012
P.S. 08-15-2012 is Number 1, the aspiration of humankind... just a coincidence?