Friday, July 27, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

Another Reflection

Island Beach State Park, NJ, July 8, 2012

Princeton, NJ, July 9, 2012

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sunset of the 7-7

Clarity from the Realm of Ascended Masters

Greetings, Dear One!

You hold many questions concerning the realms of Ascended Masters, and I am here, upon your request, to clarify some of the aspects for you.

Please understand that clarity is not the same as satisfying the rational mind seeking comprehension in order to gain control over events. Clarity is a standpoint where you are peaceful and balanced, fully aligned with all the aspects of the higher self and your soul/spirit self, and where you allow the events to unfold in wisdom and harmony with All-That-Is. Such is your nature, and such are your gifts.

Essentially, all you are here for is to share your clarity once you fully anchor the consciousness of who you are in unity with All-That-Is in your body. You have.

It is not a push, but an invitation for you to step fully and unconditionally into who you are in your physical body, in your form that now conforms only with the laws of unlimited possibilities.

Let us clarify further that your ability to share all that you are within the world of form does not come from an effort but from allowing. Like with any source of light, if you point it directly into another's eyes it will do more harm than good. By being you and staying in your passion, doing what brings you joy, you will be able to enlighten the space around you so anyone who chooses to see can see. You know how this effect works, so just allow it, and no more holding back.


A conversation with Master Kuthumi
from the last page of my Eye of Horus journal (since 11-8-11).

P.S. From the Realm of Ascended Masters come these greetings. They are addressed to you, personally, or you would not be reading this. The message comes with a massive amount of energetics along with the words. It has a potential to change your field adding more clarity and balance to your personal space but if and only if you allow it. No one will ever be able to do anything to you or your consciousness unless you ask for it, invite it, or fear it, which is an invitation of its own sort. The more clarity you allow in your consciousness, the more you become aligned with who you truly are, a being of wisdom knowing no doubt or limitation, an all-encompassing smile of the Heart.