Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thoughts from Curaçao

April 08, 2009

Q: What am I trying to understand today? What was that notion of a Big Day in my small notebook about?

A: Here we go again: questions. And yet, there is no learning from experiences without questioning every step on the way. By “questioning” we do not mean doubt, but feeling your way. That at times is being expressed in words. Let’s do it.

Today was a big day indeed. Why? Because you really started anew. After what was done yesterday with the hologram of the planet* and that what you did this morning with the feminine**, you can fully ground Mother Goddess to Earth. And you are actually in the process of doing it***. Ground it now, and we’ll continue in the morning.

added April 27, 2009

* Our planet has evolved into a star. And though it is a process, not a result, it is an incredibly powerful moment in the cosmos. How many would understand that? Perhaps, some one. How many will feel the change, is a whole different question.

** The history of abuse of our feminine side – for both genders – was healed. As soon as we willingly release it, it will be gone from humanity’s memories. Just imagine living in that balance!

*** The process was completed (although it is not a right word, for a process never stops in the higher dimensions, it evolves) on Friday, April 24th, a day of new moon, during a Kaanish Belvaspata session (Almine’s website for this healing modality: http://www.belvaspata.org/faq/31-general-belvaspata/52-kaanish-belvaspata.html). It was the first experience of cosmic travel in a physical body. (Oops, someone might say they know what it is! Well, I may be an old-fashioned person, but I happen to never in my life try any drugs, for my curiosity took a whole different path of clearing my mind, not the other way around.)

P.S. I am excited that there are people reading this who have not a slightest idea of what it is that I am talking about (except for the drugs part, of course), since soon it will be common knowledge, and we'll forget we ever thought it is not real!

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