Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Pain in My Temple

For two full days I’ve been contemplating the transmission below. I did not want to publish it; I did not think it was that important. Finally, I admitted a case of self-sabotage. Knowing that place too well, I danced myself out into the light. And here we go.

Below, I am talking about a headache, and it is in reference for a side of a head that I use the word “temple”. However, I could not resist the pun, so the topic implies another meaning as well: a sacred place, a place of worship. There is more on the latter meaning coming soon, as well as on out-of-body experiences and grounding; now – to the headache.

April 21, 2009

9:07 a.m.
A headache… More than anything else, it scares me. Otherwise, I know I am fine. I know, it is a process of rewiring, integrating the grounding that I made happen yesterday.

Last night, while coping with debilitating headache, I was trying to figure out, “Why?”

“Maybe, too much grounding...” I thought.

I guess it was true, but partially true. The process of grounding was perfect – as everything that we allow to happen for our benefit and for the highest good. But perhaps I did not adjust my habits after that: I had too much caffeine and too much food for the new state. Being grounded, we need different quality and quantity of what we receive to our body, I am learning.

9:11 a.m.
A Message:

I am now fully grounded Goddess of All That Is. I need not to understand uniqueness or greatness of this fact, but just to accept uniqueness and greatness of a human being I am, Tatyana Petrovicheva. This is sufficient, and this is “required”, to speak human language.

And there will be steps that will help to accept this new collaboration. Once again, as personal as it is, this is for the benefit of All.

Watch your habits, and change them as you feel needed for you. Look nowhere else but inside.

Relax, and let the book flow. Relax => flow (NB!). Let go of everything.

For today’s post – or to clear my thoughts off it:

Did I ever mention stoning? I am delighted to report that what was promised to never happen again is happening to Earth right now, and it is happening to me right now.

As soon as I tuned in to that wave yesterday, being fully grounded, I felt the excruciating pain in my head. It scared me, for somehow I knew that pain causes death.

There was one particular spot, a left temple, that was in pain since yesterday. What I see now is that at some point in a linear timeline they stoned me to death once again – what’s new?

A movie is unfolding…

Among those people there was One who loved me with all his heart. He chose to join them, for he could not save me then. What he did, he aimed the stone at my temple, my left temple, and it was an instant relief. I could now watch the crowd from a few feet above with no feelings (not entirely true) and with no judgment. Regarding feelings, there was Love. No, not that human conditional love, but eternal True Love.

All that is written in Mineral Kingdom, and well kept, for not a single step maid by humanity, not a single tear shed was in vain. Every step and every tear were bringing us closer to to-day, the Day when we can feel and love, and not to be stoned for that.

Let go of the pain, release the fear, feel the Love.

You are supported by the Universe and the Infinite Herself.

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