Friday, July 31, 2009

Another Change - Same Destination

This week was interesting for the mind, and painful for the body. There clearly was a change taking place in our physicality. Yes, you read it right: our physicality, for regardless of what you allow your body to feel, the change is real for everyone. It is yet difficult to put it into a form easily digestible for the mind; hence, wordlessness of the last three entries here.

Just to give you a taste of the process, here is a word: biocrystallization. What are we to think about it is a whole new story - our story. And we are the authors, so live it in joy.

P.S. Starting tomorrow, I am traveling and will have limited access to the Internet for three weeks. I'll be back with new insights - or new words, who knows :)

P.P.S. The poetry on this site is posted under the label Improvisation. Enjoy!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Picture for the Day

"Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you." - Nathaniel Hawthorne

Photographed by TexasEagle on July 21, 2009.
Uploaded July 27, 2009 on

Friday, July 24, 2009

Celebrating Life

The biggest holiday for me comes in the middle of the summer, five months earlier than it is marked on many calendars. Tomorrow, July 25, is a birthday that is shared by my two sons, turning 16 and 9.

Hope you enjoy your weekend as much, for all we need to celebrate life is an intention to do so.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Stagnation or A Blast?

How are you doing nowadays? Has been stuck in a sickness, emotions, or confusion of what is going on with you? Whatever it has been, it might be reassuring to know that you are not alone. And those who are celebrating consciously the shift of energy these days are also not alone in their experiences of sudden waves of "unreasonable" grief, or emotional ghosts of the past that had been long gone, we thought. Regardless of the symptoms, the answer is common: All is well.

We are re-aligning, re-wiring, and re-structuring our whole being. It does sometimes feel as if there is a hole here and there in our life, or in our body, emotional or physical. But worry not - we are on the right path.

Each stretch of the path has its own signs that guide us, and still some of them that are global. Letting go of anything that no longer serves us, does not add to our happiness or joy, is a good example of the latter, and a useful one for today's situation. We are progressing faster than many of us can imagine, and some dim flickers of the old do not mean that we are moving in circles. We are clearing our personal space, and we want to make sure everything we choose to keep in our lives makes us happy. It might worth the effort - wish to see? Your life - your choice :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Reality

Welcome to a New Reality!

The changes on the planet are real, and those are huge. When you say you do not feel a difference, that's by your intention. Just keep in mind that the changes that take place in a different dimension most likely have no reflection on the habitual 3-D reality. Nevertheless, it is all about perception. The 3-D reality as we had known it is no longer here. Do you feel an unexplainable sadness, almost a grief? Do you also feel hopeful, as if you are about to let go of something you have known well for quite a while, yet it does not suit you any longer? Just let go, and enjoy the New Reality. It is as real as it can be, despite the fact that not all the senses and scientific equipment can reflect it - as of yet.

It is time for a big celebration, for we just let go of the biggest illusion of separation in this world. We also let go of the history of humanity as we had known it. We no longer need to recall our past lives, and then recover from that trauma. It is cleared from the collective consciousness. Just hold an intention to let go.

Also, we are no longer bound by any contracts we held in the past. This is a biggie. Once again, have your intention to let go of all of those - you do not need to look at what they are or understand what it is all about. Enjoy your freedom of being, and be kind to all.

Welcome, my beloved! Welcome!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

By Intention

There is a very noticeable surge of energy as we approach the time of the Total Solar Eclipse that takes place tonight. Everyone feels it differently, but feelings are stirring nevertheless. How do we want to experience this step - and all those to follow - is up to us. We learn new tools for that, intentionally or not. Yet our best strategy is to keep our intentions in check at all times.

A focused intention also can open new opportunities for us. For instance, I felt certain that I want to be in the energy of a meeting that takes place tonight, which I cannot attend in person. In my mind I asked for an invitation to be there at a different level to experience the energy of the gathering.

"You do not need an invitation", The response was. "All you need is an intention."

We are not talking about turning up uninvited to some one's party, you see. Rather, it is your party, a party called Life. And it is good to guide your own life - by intention. We have just started to learn.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Quote for the Day

Anyone who interferes in the destiny of others will never discover his own.
- Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Friday, July 17, 2009

The T-change

A lot is changing these days. What is new? Perhaps, constantly increasing level of excitement about our journey - and the changes themselves.

A change I would like to talk about today I see as a shift between two lines, a vertical and a horizontal, connected as in the letter T. So, I called it a T-change.

A few months ago, about January 14th according to my notes, I was surprised to learn that the Feminine exists along the horizontal line in our reality. My mental analyzer jumped in quickly enough, so there was not much information I received after that. But a feeling that it is an essential piece of a puzzle remained.

Today I saw a shift in the T-shape going from being upside down to its proper position. There is a connection to the balancing of the Feminine and Masculine that takes place now, specifically between the two eclipses, the lunar on the 7th and the solar on the 21-22nd of the month. Those two events are assisting with the balancing of the two aspects - something we lost in the Fall of Atlantis.

In short, the way it was: The horizontal line on the bottom supporting the vertical line was literally pinned to the ground yet not grounded. The vertical line was "assigned" to provide the connection to the higher realms, but was busy balancing itself on top.

The way it is now, a T-reality: The horizontal line being placed on top supported by a vertical line that can balance itself effortlessly providing a grounding line for the Feminine. The harmony and inner balance followed, resulting in an unconditional Trust.

A divine union is restored, and all are welcome to feel and experience it. Just remember: It is about You, and the place to look for the changes is inside, in your heart and your observer's mind. And it is a happy change for everyone, so do not forget to enjoy!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Choice: King or Joker

It came as a co-creation from our conversation with Yulia today, and it applies to the lightworkers. So, if you do not know what I mean, you are off the hook; be happy!

And if you do know that I am not talking about playing cards but about choosing a role we play in our no-longer-3D reality every day, why not to start by checking whether you adopted a happy attitude today?

Now, when we are on the same page, we can start creating a picture, for it is an easy way to convey a message. Pretend you are sitting on a throne, and really feel it. What words would describe your feelings? Imagine painting your feelings with the words, allow yourself to be creative. Feel your posture, feel your head, feel what's on your head. Is there a crown? There better be one: remember, you are sitting on a throne.

Suddenly, someone nearby has fallen on his knees and seems to not to be able to get up. What do you do? Right. Being a lightworker, you drop everything you have been doing and rush to help.

With your assistance, the person is up on his feet, and you are back to your place: That is, if you had enough time. Usually, a person starts to fall back as soon as you turn your back to them. And soon you are surrounded by things, relationships, situations that require your attention... But it is not about them - it is about you. Let us take a look at you, your Majesty.

Do you still have the same feelings, same posture, same view of the life around you? Have you noticed how your crown sits on your head? Tilted?

"A tilted crown looks like a joker's hat", Yulia said.

She is right. Furthermore, the crowd - the very same crowd you forgot who you are for - is booing at you for being arrogant and lofty. And now you also think that you are a joker.

Or, you start making your own choices, and being happy with Who You Are, not what you do. You allow yourself be happy, and that seems to magically work. For only then everyone can choose his or her own throne and a crown in realization that each and every One has his or her own sovereign territory - right there, under the crown. That's how the true magic of this world begins!

P.S. I went to see the new Harry Potter with my younger one tonight, and could not help the feeling that I know precisely what the main character feels. But he knows he has to go on. What a timely story.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Orange Dragonfly

The word Thaumaturgy /THAW-muh-tuhr-jee/ is defined as the performance of miracles or magic. But what is the word for allowing the miracles or magic to manifest in one's life? Perhaps, there is no special word for it since it is simply a way of living.

It is the way I perceive the world now that fills it with miracles for me. It does not take a big ca- boom for us to see how magical the world is.

Take, for instance, my trip to Adirondacks two weeks ago, the rainy one (Another Island from July 6, 2009). Upon our arrival to the lake, when we were ready to push our canoe off the shore, a dragonfly appeared out of nowhere. She was flying in front of us waiting to be noticed.

"A dragonfly!" My logical mind was melting observing her flight under the rain.

"But it is not orange", my friend commented coldly. She was referring to a story I told her on the way of an orange dragonfly from my meditation the day before. She appeared when I asked for a sign of support dealing with a flood of feelings.

"Of course it is!" I said with certainty. "Look with your heart."

The dragonfly made several circles around me, and disappeared.

On our last day on the island when I was sitting on a boulder breathing in the newly discovered beauty of the sunlit lake, the dragonfly returned. She came straight to me and sat on my arm. She brought a beautiful message about how does Earth feel when we honor her by taking parts of our journey on foot. It was a feeling of appreciation she conveyed. When she was done, she turned her amazing eyes onto me, waiting. It was my turn.

I expressed my gratitude for the beauty and harmony around us, and for the great support the Kingdoms provided us with. There was another part of the message to be delivered to the Kingdoms. The moment I was done, she took off and became one with the blueness of the water-sky union. It was time to pack.

P.S. Did I ever mention I love to talk to flying dragons, too?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


In the darkest night
The secret was stored
To be restored
When the One will come
Under the brightest star.
It is time.

She knows what to do.
Interfere not.

On the brightest day
Will humanity be awakened
From the endless dream
Of dual existence
And into the glory.

The era of love
Shall come then.
It is time.

Crystals will shine once again
The Kingdoms are back
To be of great assistance,
For their love is [infinite].

Accept your [magnificence]
And live every day in glory.
The existence is once again
What it is created to be:
A Unified field of Love.


July 14, 2009, 5 a.m.

I opened my eyes. It was still dark. Once again, it felt as if someone woke me up. I was wide awake, and it was very quiet. On the ceiling, there were the "X"s created by the dim light coming through the two windows. I looked outside.

There, on the dark sky, was Venus, bright and beautiful in her light. I smiled back.

"Must be 4:30 a.m.", I thought remembering last week.

I could not tell whether I was right since my alarm clock stopped showing the time a few weeks ago. It shows the date, the day, and the temperature perfectly fine, but just a few random lines in place of time. My Skagen stopped forever about a year ago, so I use the cell phone as my only time teller. And yes, it was not five o'clock yet. Back to sleep! After all, I asked for more information that I am ready for before going to bed last night. And I do not remember anything from my dreams...

My leisurely moving thoughts were interrupted by a new one of a different frequency urging me to get a pen. It was so sudden that I did not move at first simply observing when the idea to get up in the dark for no particular human reason will disappear. It did not. Instead, the pressure became so clear that I quickly went to my desk.

I did not have a chance to turn the light when the flow of words started. I was writing as fast as I could, not seeing the paper and not having the time to process the words. I knew however that the words were building a structure, both on paper and in the consciousness, as if I knew exactly what it meant to be.

In two places however there were no words given, but I could feel the meaning clearly. The reason is simple: there are no words to embrace the concept mentioned. There was a split second slow-down for me, so I could coin in the first definition that would become available to the mind. I put those words here in the brackets.

And that's what you've just read. Congratulations then!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Corazon /in Russian, really/

Из книги Николая Рериха "Врата в Будущее":


Hridaya, Kokoro, Sin, Al-kulub, Del,
Cor, Nying, Dzuruhe, Sirds, Kardia.
Точно бы заклинание. Но о сердце так взывают народы. Испания, Индия, Ниппон, Китай и Аравия. Персия, Италия, Тибет, Монголия, Латвия, Греция...

* * *
"Приходя в новую страну, прежде всего спрашивайте, как зовется там сердце? Встречаясь с новыми людьми, если даже не узнали, в каком звуке они выражают свое сосредоточие, укажите им от своего сердца к их сердцу. Почти все воспримут это свидетельство искренности, лишь немногие удивятся и, может быть, застыдятся, и совсем немногие вознегодуют. Имейте в виду, что эти вознегодовавшие окажутся и в делах людьми темными. Не ждите от них дружбы и благоволения, они уже смердят".

* * *
"Дух, который в сердце моем, меньше зерна риса, меньше зерна ячменного, меньше зерна горчичного, меньше малейшего проса. Тот же дух, который в сердце моем, больше всей земли, больше пространства, больше небес, больше всех миров!"

"Посланник всего действия, всего желания, всего восприятия, обоняния, вкуса, всеобнимающий, молчаливый, далекий - таков дух, который в моем сердце. Это Брахман сам. Тот - который говорит: "Выходящего от всего мира я сопровожу". Поистине, нет для него никакого сомнения".

Так говорит Чандогия Упанишад.

26 февраля 1935 г.
Николай Рерих, Врата в Будущее, Рига, "Виеда", 1991, стр. 67, 68, 70.

Photography by Clark Little
The official site:

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Return of the Feminine


May 27, 2009
Princeton, NJ

***This piece is no longer available here. It now appears as a part of a collection Orange Wings: Poetry of The Shift in digital and printed formats.

Look for Orange Wings on

Orange Wings [Kindle Edition]
Publisher: com.Unity; 1 edition (April 1, 2012)

Orange Wings [Paperback]
Publisher: CreateSpace; 1 edition (April 30, 2012)
ISBN-13: 978-1475286663
ISBN-10: 147528666X

Follow Orange Wings on Facebook:

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Art of Wojtek Siudmak

This day brought an amazing discovery for me: I learned about Wojtek Siudmak, a painter from Poland currently living in France.

Wikipedia offers a two-sentence information about the painter and a link to his website. The site is worth going to to take a look at his project, Eternal Love monument. To see his many paintings it is best to search his name in Google's Images.

The painter's work is not just unique; it is clearly a direct channeling. For those who already remember, it is Lemuria and Atlantis we are looking at. And much more that is beyond words, but gives you shivers.

The image below is a perfect illustration for a piece Return of The Feminine that I did not want to publish for the lack of faith it is going to be understood. It does not have to be. It just is what it is. And it has an illustration now.

Painting by Wojtek Siudmak

Friday, July 10, 2009

There Is

July 10, 2009
Princeton, NJ


***This piece is no longer available here. It now appears as a part of a collection Orange Wings: Poetry of The Shift in digital and printed formats.

Look for Orange Wings on

Orange Wings [Kindle Edition]
Publisher: com.Unity; 1 edition (April 1, 2012)

Orange Wings [Paperback]
Publisher: CreateSpace; 1 edition (April 30, 2012)
ISBN-13: 978-1475286663
ISBN-10: 147528666X

Follow Orange Wings on Facebook:

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Loving Embrace

From the Sacred Mandalas of the Heart calendar by Kaho Koinuma, for the month of July:

Loving Embrace: Embrace yourself fully and discover the nectar of sweet joy that is your Beloved.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


These past three days have been very interesting. The surge of energies is very powerful: It charges us with something very potent keeping our bodies limp at the same time. Does it make any sense? Hopefully, none.

The time has come to let go of any analysis and attachments that are still holding us to the illusion of anything existing outside of pure love. It is the time to create a focus inside oneself. There, in the heart, is where the true life is. From that source within comes one's power, the greatest creative power in existence. As such, our last and the mightiness fear is to accept our true power.

As we are willingly letting go of everything that does not create joy in our lives, we discover our ability to be one with the nature; we can hear stars and trees; we gain unlimited access to Acashic records; we can see the beauty of a person next to us, and - a very advanced mastery - we might noticed a beauty within.

Whatever the process is, we can only understand it by letting go of any attempts to try understanding and classifying it with our rational mind. Would it be helpful, for instance, to analyze a fact that we reached into the ninth dimension today? If anything, we might want to know it is not raining there.

Maybe it is the date on the calendar that created a possibility to step out there: 07-08-09? Why not? Or, maybe it is a star that woke me up at 4 o'clock this morning with the light so bright that I have never seen before? Or the Hunter's Moon that illuminates the sky, happy to get out of yesterday's eclipse and impatient to wait until September when its proper time comes? Or, all of the above - as long as we are capable of noticing the wonders and the beauty of our unique planet. Like a child, she humbly awaits our unconditional love. Like a mother, she loves unconditionally. And it is up to each of us to make it, step by step, to understanding our Selves.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


March 19, 2009
Princeton, NJ


***This piece is no longer available here. It now appears as a part of a collection Orange Wings: Poetry of The Shift in digital and printed formats.

Look for Orange Wings on

Orange Wings [Kindle Edition]
Publisher: com.Unity; 1 edition (April 1, 2012)

Orange Wings [Paperback]
Publisher: CreateSpace; 1 edition (April 30, 2012)
ISBN-13: 978-1475286663
ISBN-10: 147528666X

Follow Orange Wings on Facebook:

Monday, July 6, 2009

Another Island

This past weekend brought me to an island: another island, and a very different one.

Several families decided to spend this July 4th weekend together in the Adirondacks, Upstate New York. Our destination was in the middle of a beautiful lake that we had to cross to get to our boat-access-only sites. Surely, an adventure.

Sending an avant-guard of two men and three kids ahead on Tuesday, my friend and I were to join them two days later. Leaving Jersey before sunrise, we did not know we are not to see the bright sunshine till Sunday.

After driving for seven hours with infrequent brakes for the wipers, we arrived to an empty shore, hopelessly searching-for-service cell phones, and ... a sense of pristine beauty and inner freedom.

The temperature was in the 50th, so quickly adding a couple of layers to our outfit we started to unload the car into a canoe. We miraculously fit everything, tied a guitar on top, and added ourselves to the cargo.

The rain stopped for about half hour giving us just enough time to reach the island. For three days and nights after that the variations were only in the intensity of rain, from a drizzle to the water pouring loudly enough to wake you up at night or to wet you down during the day.

What did we do? We did what we came there for: swimming, rowing, fishing, and hiking.

On Friday, with four kids age six through nine, we managed a four-mile hike to a secluded in a forest lake. The lake was amazing despite the wet clothes, the cool air, and the longest time it ever took for the three experienced men to start a fire. It was not raining as hard on a way back though...

On Saturday, we climbed a mountain with the elevation just about three thousand feet and the total trail distance of six miles. The kids did great!

There was not a single piece of dry garment on us when we returned to the site. And drying the clothes by the campfire was another entertainment available to us: which side wins, the rain or the fire.

Then came Sunday, and with it the blue beauty of the skies. The entire site was webbed by the ropes turned into the cloth lines. By the end of the day we accomplished a miracle: The camp was packed dry. We did not mind the drive back at nighttime after that.

"Did you have a good rest?" my husband asked at 2 a.m. when we finished unloading the car.

"Ask me tomorrow..." I suggested thinking of how much I appreciate his sense of humor.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


December 25, 2008
Princeton, NJ
March 15, 2009


***This piece is no longer available here. It now appears as a part of a collection Orange Wings: Poetry of The Shift in digital and printed formats.

Look for Orange Wings on

Orange Wings [Kindle Edition]
Publisher: com.Unity; 1 edition (April 1, 2012)

Orange Wings [Paperback]
Publisher: CreateSpace; 1 edition (April 30, 2012)
ISBN-13: 978-1475286663
ISBN-10: 147528666X

Follow Orange Wings on Facebook: