Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Orange Dragonfly

The word Thaumaturgy /THAW-muh-tuhr-jee/ is defined as the performance of miracles or magic. But what is the word for allowing the miracles or magic to manifest in one's life? Perhaps, there is no special word for it since it is simply a way of living.

It is the way I perceive the world now that fills it with miracles for me. It does not take a big ca- boom for us to see how magical the world is.

Take, for instance, my trip to Adirondacks two weeks ago, the rainy one (Another Island from July 6, 2009). Upon our arrival to the lake, when we were ready to push our canoe off the shore, a dragonfly appeared out of nowhere. She was flying in front of us waiting to be noticed.

"A dragonfly!" My logical mind was melting observing her flight under the rain.

"But it is not orange", my friend commented coldly. She was referring to a story I told her on the way of an orange dragonfly from my meditation the day before. She appeared when I asked for a sign of support dealing with a flood of feelings.

"Of course it is!" I said with certainty. "Look with your heart."

The dragonfly made several circles around me, and disappeared.

On our last day on the island when I was sitting on a boulder breathing in the newly discovered beauty of the sunlit lake, the dragonfly returned. She came straight to me and sat on my arm. She brought a beautiful message about how does Earth feel when we honor her by taking parts of our journey on foot. It was a feeling of appreciation she conveyed. When she was done, she turned her amazing eyes onto me, waiting. It was my turn.

I expressed my gratitude for the beauty and harmony around us, and for the great support the Kingdoms provided us with. There was another part of the message to be delivered to the Kingdoms. The moment I was done, she took off and became one with the blueness of the water-sky union. It was time to pack.

P.S. Did I ever mention I love to talk to flying dragons, too?

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