Monday, March 9, 2009

The Choice is Yours

Let’s get is straight: I am a visionary; I can see things, and I can change things. And so can you – if only you choose. I choose to share some information with you today. Now the choice is yours: to read it, or to spit on it.

Terms of use: By continuing on with this reading you are choosing to irreversibly alter your life by accepting the fact that absolutely every thing that happens in your life is by your choice. I must assume no responsibility for the consequences of your choices. I have mine for that matter. Your acknowledgement of your own power is required in order to move on.

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March 6, 2009

It’s been raining hard on the Island this morning. Living has been very hard on my heart lately. I see too much, and it is hard for me to let go. I want to fix everything for everyone still. As a result, I feel exhausted again. How much longer am I going to walk in circles? This is precisely the reason for today’s warning: I am letting go of my responsibilities as mother to everyone - with the exception of my children, of course - completely as of today. And so it is.

It took me the longest time to realize who I am and what I am doing here, you see. But once you are willing to see a role you are playing, you are free from the script! You are free to improvise within that role, as well as to choose a completely different one. The choice is yours.

Yet, when I read my writings of the past year (several notebooks I apparently filled) it is all there. All I needed to know to accept who I truly am beyond any roles society imposed upon me was there, in clear words. It took me a conscious choice to accept it, step by step. So, I have enough information for you to see, but you are to choose. Plainly put, there is no one to stop you shall you choose to crush into a wall, or to live happily ever after. Enjoy your choice.

With much love from the Heart,


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