Monday, March 30, 2009


It is Friday, March 27th, and I am on my way to Boston for what is promising to be a powerful weekend. It is also so timely, but what’s new!

I decided to take a train, and am so grateful that a friend of mine talked me out of the idea riding a bus from NYC. What a blessing! I face almost six hours of uninterrupted time with my computer, headphones, and a notebook (yes, an old-fashioned one, with the pages of pure white paper space awaiting to accept my feelings unconditionally).

After admiring the movie of the fast-changing imagery in a window, I am back to the stillness of my new notebook from the Neue Galerie. (A reflection of that visit on March 21 is in Stepping Into Spring.) On the cover, Klimt’s Danae, a woman dressed in her beauty and wrapped in her dream and radiant orange hair, with her lips of a dazzling orange, mirrors the chasteness of the pages inside.

I am ready.

At 12:22 p.m., when the train reaches New York Penn Station, yet another Letter to Me begins to fill the pages.

“Listen to the words!” I write down as my iTunes plays a song from a CD album by UK’s Bliss entitled A Hundred Thousand Angels. I do.

While I follow the words, my thoughts are with the people who introduced me to this music. With much love in my heart, I hold the faith that they hear the true songs of their own hearts. It is not a wish; it is yet another step. And it is just one step away: accepting the Light You Are.

Say Goodbye by Bliss

Say goodbye to all you see,
To all you see with these eyes.
Say goodbye to all you’ve been,
To all your needs and desires.

Fly above the silent ocean
And to the purest star.
Feel your heart begin to break,
Become the light you are.

Fear is men enclosed in flesh
And wrapped up in a lie.
Love is all that conquers death,
It never fears to die.

Freedom dances over the threads
That try to tie her down.
Faith is humble like the one,
Who walks a step behind.

Say goodbye to all you see,
To all you’ve been and desired.
Take your place and dance the dance,
And leave this world behind.

Fly up high, the proudest eagle,
The true king of the skies.
Feel the chains begin to break,
Become the Light You Are.


A friendly warning: The content of a letter below I transmitted can be a) very helpful for those who have readily available compartments to process the information, and b) extremely dangerous for a rational mind of everyone else. Proceed at your own risk.

* * *
Now the train is really moving – it is hard to write. I am advised to take a brake from catching the song’s words and to listen to my heart. I am considered “attuned” to the right frequency now, and it can be measured in words. Great!

The color I see outside of the train window is primarily orange; thus, we are talking about passion once again. Or, have we ever stopped?

The train just took a long curved turn to follow the Connecticut’s coastline. In my thirteen years on the East Coast, I have never traveled north of New York by train. We lived in New Haven, CT, but always drove down to the city. A graduate student’s family, we had time but not money, and the gas was rather inexpensive then… Memories.

I love to travel. I love to meet people and visit places, and I love the flow of words once I am detached from all the “homework”. A perfect space to listen to ME.

These past few days were not easy for me, but what’s new? :)

Well, actually, a lot.

Like in the song, I am letting go and saying good bye to a lot of accumulations of the old world. There is no way back. All the doors are closed. They are not locked; you can still pick in any time you want, for we live on the planet of free choice. However, it is my inner desire to walk forward fearlessly and to stay true to self, and that seals those doors for me.

“What is missing for you?” My husband asked this morning. “ What else do you want?”

He got the point. And I got mine.

I want nothing. I feel all my basic needs are taken care of for me – that is when I stay balanced and purposeful. Yet, there is one, still basic, physical connection that I have to allow in my life. And that is where I am stuck right now.

Here we are, back to the sacred, or relativistic, I call it, geometry. There were again those triangles today in the sky. The opposite angels in an “X” formed by clouds were narrowing, closing into a line.

Passion… How many angles does it have? I bet, none.

I guess we did something with it back in Atlantis. We altered it in some way: in a very crucial way. It caused a huge ripple through physicality, and excruciating pain that created a great fear. So, instead of bridging the Heart and the Mind [as it was intended], we cracked open a gap between the heart and the body. It was a low blow, for it was totally unexpected. No one ever thought of a possibility for the two to exist separately.

We tried to “do it right” several times… You know the result.

This is how we lost the Forgotten Kingdoms. This is how we came to lose our masculine-feminine balance. Once again, you know where it brought us.

I need a break; the information is really heavy, and I feel uneasy. It takes trust to let it through, not mentioning acceptance.

I am ready. Go ahead.

Well, there is a lot to be transferred both in words and feelings. There also will be visions as well as direct knowledge “downloads”. Telling you, since you like predictability so much. :) Or, rather, used to. And that’s better, for predictability will be something less and less attainable as we move into a new reality with a speed of Light.

A coffee break… My body is screaming for grounding!

Ready? Yes, we will give you the practical information first. As you wish.

Your dis-balance comes from your thinking that your heart and your body are in different places. They are not. When you realize that – and when you accept it – you’ll find your inner peace. Once again, silence your mind, breathe, and feel your wholeness. If you are One with everyone in your world, how could you be separated in your parts, tell us, the logical one? :)

You create your own “problems” by trying once again to choose. With a totally silent mind, tell us which of your children do you love more? Of course, it is not funny. But what does your silent mind “tells” you?

“Love is One and undividable.”

Well done! You see?

Love Is + You Are = You Are Love

It is about You and Love, or do you see other variables in this statement? It is a function, all right. There could be parameters, too. However, the essence stays the same.

While you Are in your Heart, everyone else is there as well – in the collective Heart.

How much does it contribute to the overall balance of All That Is? Immensely!!! Do you see now the importance of where you are, what you think, and what you choose to feel?

Fear not to feel, and do not filter your feelings. All of them are equally important, for they keep the balance.

And now we are as close to the Gap of Atlantis as we ever have been at the human level. Ready? Good.

Here we go: The Gap. Since the Gap of Atlantis was created (sure, unintentionally, but that is how all the terrible things were created ever since, “unintentionally”), we live in that Gap.

What does it mean for us? The nearly total lack of communication between the physical parts: the head, the heart, and the lower body. Yes, indeed, a triangle again.

Let us go directly to Passion now. You see, that is not an occurrence in a flow of life, but rather an attribute of All That Is, and as such, of the True Unconditional Love.

What does that mean to us? Simple: We Are => We Are Love => We are Passion. And you can label it as you wish or paint it any color, it does not change the picture: Passion Is.

It is time now to listen to what Jim has to say about it. Enjoy.

And relax, for there is so much more to come! Do not forget your smile :)

March 27, 2009
2:33 p.m.
Trenton, NJ – Boston, MA

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