Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Point Of View

As Irene approaches New Jersey, I am watching its progress to stay informed. And since I only follow news in science and culture, I have to be intentional in the choice of ground as peace and the choice of focus: All is always well.

Yesterday I came across a short video from the hurricane hunters. It was filmed in a helicopter, as people were looking for an exact location of the eye of Irene to help with the prediction models. Meanwhile, in "their" reality where they fly above the clouds there was the sunshine and the blue sky. What a beautiful illustration! If only ALL keep their vision of what IS above the clouds for those 24 hours while calmly attending to simple safety matter. And why not? It is possible - if some-One holds a vision of just that.

Who is it going to be?

P.S. There are many tools and updates offered at
This might help. But only you can do it. Some assembly required.

A Point of View: From The Hathors

Before you proceed with reading the message transmitted by Tom Kenyon, we have something we would like to communicate to you.

What you are going to read is both true and helpful. However, it all depends on the point of view: What you focus on while reading, and what you choose to make out of it as a piece of information for you. We ask you to clear your mind completely from any residual fears and limitations of the habitual thinking of cause-effect that the rational mind is so fond of.

What is happening right now is way too scary for the rational mind - and you are not scared, noticed that? So, it is important - rather, essential - to keep your focus on where you want to be in terms of feelings of joy and success, for that is how you create just that.

We want you to remember what you already know, and we want to remind you to keep us, our love in your consciousness at all times. Ask us, call on us, and we are here, for you.

That [looking back, analyzing a situation from a few days ago] which is currently occupying your thoughts has to go. When you let go of the motion around the topic, the magnetism of the event and the post-event syndrome will dissipate. If that is desirable to you, you can proceed, for you know what to do, and how to do it.

Now, we wish you good night, and we'll see you. We love you beyond words, and we support your endeavor with excitement and enthusiasm. You should see what we are able to see from where we are: We would love to see your face then!

August 27, 2011
2:02 am
There is a a Hathor Planetary Message transmitted through Tom Kenyon, The Emergence of Multiple Chaotic Nodes, at

Among The Worlds

Иннокентий Анненский
Размётанные Листы, из книги Кипарисовый ларец
Кипарисовый ларецъ. Вторая книга стиховъ (посмертная). — М.: Грифъ, 1910.


Среди миров, в мерцании светил
Одной Звезды я повторяю имя...
Не потому, чтоб я Ее любил,
А потому, что я томлюсь с другими.

И если мне сомненье тяжело,
Я у Нее одной ищу ответа,
Не потому, что от Нее светло,
А потому, что с Ней не надо света.

3 апреля 1909 г.

by Innokenty Annensky

Among the worlds, in flickering of rays,
There is one Star whose name I keep repeating...
It's not because I am by love embraced,
But just because the others are depleting.

And if I am weighed down with the doubt,
She is the one I ever seek for answer,
It's not because She lightens all about,
But just because the light within Her dances.

April 3, 1909
Translated from Russian
by Tatyana Petrovicheva
August 15, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011


Your roots are not where your house is or where your relatives live. Your roots are where you are at the moment. Trying to grow a tree (i.e., create your life in well-being, prosperity, and harmony) and having its roots not directly under that tree is likely to be a disappointing experience. Check on your roots daily, and have them firmly grounded into the center of the planet. Then, share your accomplishments with the world!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Life Blossoms Journal

My current journal pictures Chinese Plum Blossoms and four golden hieroglyphs on the cover. On the first pastedown endpaper I find its meaning: Happiness, Health, Love, and Peace.

That is exactly what a journal does for me: I open it to comprehend what I perceive. In my writing, I seek understanding of how the world truly works, and how my environment supports my well-being. When I write I find just that - Happiness, Health, Love, and Peace.

Often, what flows onto paper makes little or no sense to my rational mind. But what does rational mind know? Only that which we were told. How can we create then using the rational mind? It will - it ought to - stop you from entering any unexplained territory: Happiness, Health, Love, Peace...

Fortunately, there is a source of knowledge inside of your being, your inner knowing. It helps you find your truth using discernment; it informs your intuition; it supports your every passion; it knows nothing outside of Happiness, Health, Love, and Peace.

What is in your journal for today?