Tuesday, November 9, 2010

On Black Holes

The universe is under no obligation to make sense.
 - Robert Kirshner, Astronomer, Harvard University

Last Friday, Michael and I had experienced fairly powerful energies at Black Holes: Space Warps & Time Twists, the Yale Peabody Museum's fall exhibition. The aftermath of the event included two aching heads and one Droid camera's loss of most of the pictures taken there. The exhibit created sustainable excitement nevertheless.

As I sat last night to write down reflections from my trip, my hand started to move in excitement. I had no control over the information or words, and had to step out of my own way. Below is what came out of it, and it is under no obligation to make sense - as yet.

What I am to write about today is an interesting topic, to say the least. Actually, it is rather a dangerous one, for due to the lack of knowledge on what is the phenomenon of black holes is there is no way to prove - or dismiss completely - what is going to be said. So, let's do it.

What is known today about black holes is pretty accurate description of what can be perceived on the physical plane as transcribed from the universal language of energy in motion. All that exists includes "black holes" as its integral part, and it knows no distinction between a "hole" and "matter", for everything is one whole existence.

The black holes exist for you because you do not understand the true unity - the continuity - of All That Is. Once you get to the point of "seeing" how it works, you will be [delighted] knowing how all the parts, including black holes, work. The excitement will be much similar to that caused by a harmonious problem solving to an eager mind - beautiful indeed. What we want to tell you is never to stop questioning.

And yes, we do make available more and more knowledge and understanding to your civilization here on the planet as we watch you accepting more and more responsibility for your choices and actions.

You will make it, our dearest angels of planet Earth. You will fully and unconditionally make it this time. Espavo.

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