Thursday, February 25, 2010

On Achievement and Attachment

"Do what you like, not what you are good at," my Writer produced.

"What else is new?" the well-educated Thinker was unimpressed.

"What is that that you are really good at?" the Writer asked calmly, clearly immune to opinions.

"Oh, I know everything you are going to say. But I have achieved a lot in life, and moved on. I know how to do that; I know how to let go."

"Sure, a car crush, or a personal crisis, would get you there. Now, try to answer a simple question: What do you - and not you personally, but people in general - are really good at?"

"Well..." with an intention to see clearly, I let go of any resistance. "Worry, judge, take offense, be defensive, dislike oneself, really dislike oneself..." I produced before the Thinker had a chance to arrive to any socially acceptable conclusion.

"Very good," the Writer approved. "Would that be enough to get an idea? If so, I am complete for today."

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