Friday, February 5, 2010

A Bridge to The Heart

"Fear is a bridge to the Heart," I typed, and froze in disbelief.

There was a nearly audible bang as the rational mind reached its floor. The silence that followed presented an opportunity to bring the living words into focus. In a well practiced manner, I put on amused, and gained back ease and balance. That allowed the imagery to come through. Here it is.

"To go to the Heart, one must cross a bridge." An image of a gap high up in the mountains presented itself. A rope bridge was the only way to the other side of the gap. And though the opposite end of the bridge was in fog, there was inner certainty that we want to reach that side.

"What is there?" I asked, and a multitude of responses from different dimensions created a picture: under many names, our Higher Self resides beyond the bridge.

"But haven't we gone back and forth all the time?" my mind suggested looking over information it had allowed thus far. The answer was clear: Not in a physical form.

Now it started to make sense: Our human feelings are a bridge we walk on to get to the Heart. Every feeling, every attribute of love that is available to us on this side is woven into that bridge. We feel the fear but make a step. That step is the first step to bridge realms of Unconditional Love and that of the physical form.

Our journey is not simple. Fear is ever present, as well as an opportunity to focus on the moment instead. We are constantly reminded that we are on a journey, and we keep moving on. Once not in movement, the gap beneath becomes all we can see.

So, it is understandable why many never set their foot upon this bridge. And they either say they are comfortable where they are, or admit lack of courage. Otherwise, they ought to pronounce those on the bridge crazy and make a lot of noise about it as so not a single soul starting with their own would notice the fact that they are scared. Thunderstruck by their own campaign, they never notice that those walking across the bridge do not look back: Those on the bridge must keep walking. It is upon them to reach the other side. It is upon them to show that the bridge is safe, and it is the way Home, to the Heart.

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