Thursday, December 10, 2009


Today's theme is allowing, and the concept seems to apply to everything I experience these days. Thus, I finally decided to allow myself to share latest conversations with AA and Ascended Masters. In essence, all of them have the same message for us: Allow yourself to remember Who You Are.

In the beginning of the conversation below, Master Kuthumi asked to follow your feelings precisely while listening to the message. And just a reminder that these shared conversations are addressed to you. There indeed exist parts that are personal, and I keep those for myself. Enjoy the light behind the words.

A Conversation with Master Kuthumi
October 23, 2009
On a plane, EWR - MSP

I am to talk to you today about your not-so-distant in your future Path, for it is instrumental that You understand fully and limitlessly that Who You Are and what your intentions in the process are. (Do not be concerned with the phrasing, please; concentrate on the inner feeling).

That Who You Are determines what You are doing next. And that "next" is not your logical next step. It is a transformational change that will lead to opening of the conscious mind to the picture of the Infinite. Yes.

You see, what you could conceive before with your "oh-so-logical" (your words :)) mind is nothing in terms the Infinite "operates" with. It was essential nevertheless to get to the point where you allowed your limit-ness to allow imagining its infiniteness. That is/was the starting point.

Now, you keep thinking about the Rays and its relation to the Archetypes [in human subconscious]. There is indeed a relation. It is not relevant however to our path. Humanity will allow those to be replaced by the underlying aspects created with Light in assistance of the Rays. Good enough? Yes, indeed, You have to focus on what is ahead, and not what is to be left behind. Keep your intentional focus, and feel it getting stronger every human day.

We are stepping back now, for you need some breathing in a silenced mind space. Enjoy. We love you beyond words.

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