Thursday, October 27, 2011

On Good and Bad

There seems to be increasingly less time these days for the multitude of things we used to do. There is certainly more time needed to observe and reflect, and to simply be. Somewhere in-between there lies our daily life.

Sometime between collecting my son from school and driving him to his cello lesson, I grab a pair of jeans in my closet. Where there is no time to think, there is always a moment to feel. I feel the jeans are hugging me with more passion than before. I look at them; those I did not wear since August, and they certainly shrank in the two months time in a closet. Yet, there is no time to think, so I jump in the car and off we go.

Mere two minutes later we hit the traffic. The lack of movement signals to the brain that it can rush into the thinking process, and so it does. It grabs the last thought by the tail, and I hear myself thinking out loud, "My butt is getting bigger and bigger."

"Is it a good thing, or a bad thing?" an immediate response from the back seat follows.

I laugh so hard that I am glad the car cannot move much. If there is a problem, it is clearly in my head. In the head is where we create and sustain our ideas. It is us who make them problematic. In the heart is where we feel and fulfill our desires. It is us who create and enjoy them.

Had we too had more clarity as children? And whose ideas about good and bad are those? Not mine. Yours?

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