Tuesday, June 29, 2010

In the Beauty of All That Is

It is not the time to linger; it is the time for inner concentration, focus, and contemplation without thoughts. How do you do that? By intention, and by intentionally letting go one by one of every thought that comes to your rational mind and evokes judgment, envy, anger, or any other emotion that pulls you out of your inner focus. Everything - repeat, everything - that is not Who You truly Are must be cleared from your space. Then you can fully merge your persona with your Light Body and become a fully conscious human being - an amazing creation of God consciousness, and an amazing creation of You.

For that, treat the world around you not as a threatening one but as an environment for your creation: Use your intuition to sense the presence surrounding you at each moment, acknowledge it, and ask for assistance; feel the gratitude All are sharing for being able to consciously co-create. And conscious does not mean understood by rational mind, not yet. ;)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Clearing Inner Closets

There had been a period of time when no new words have appeared here. That does not mean that the flow of information stopped, or that my sketchbook pages got some rest. Besides the fact that the schools are out for the summer and I've been busy having fun with the kids, we as a collective have entered a period of deep and intensive contemplation of beliefs and behavioral patterns.

A vast amount of effort is being put into inner healing via clearing of attachments to habitual ways of thinking and re-acting. And it appears as if not much is being accomplished. This is a good point to bring in discernment so as to decide where exactly do we want to see the results of our effort. Clarity of purpose and intuition-based decisions will create the path.

For that, I would like to share some of the conversations I had this morning with several Beings of Light. The information they referred to may sound unfamiliar, and if so just read along and allow the words to sink: They do not intend for the rational mind anyway, for they speak directly to your heart.

On your energy as you hold it in your beingness in this world:

... Now, about the work with the unconscious thoughts and beliefs that are stuck in your being: Release them with your intent, ask the 8th Ray for assistance on clearing all the residue, and ask the 7th Ray to provide you with the true Radiance of That Who You Are. It is available to you as soon as you clear the "space" for it - upon asking. Let us make it clear: You have to ask.

Love is the most potent clearing mechanisms of all, for it brings clarity so as all that is not Love is gone - can be released with an intend, to be precise. Do it, and you'll feel the freedom of being You, the freedom of creative expression of That Who You Are.

Dear One, the time has come for you - many of you - to be Who You Are consciously and intentionally. You have - or mostly have done so - conquered your ego's attempts to sabotage your growth, and your mind is now ready to help you to serve your true purpose - just keep in check its clarity and humility of its intentions. Be in the Heart at all times, and cherish each moment in the physical body as the only one you will ever experience  - a precious one. Enjoy, and speak to [your guides] often.

Your questioning that of each of the conversations can be understood in the reality of 3D. There is no space for doubt where you intend to create. Choose. Choose trust. Choose Faith and Hope. Choose wisely, be intentional, be patient with yourself and those around you. You carry Love: Be clear about your purpose.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Reality of Illusions

Optical Illusions: A Window [into Eternity]
Artwork by Michael, 7
Paper, acrylic

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Goddess of The Sky

Сегодня около полудня
По возвращении домой
На небо бегло я взглянула:
Она возникла предо мной.

По небу с облаком играя,
Она над головой плыла.
Спросив её, Кто ты такая?
Забыла я про слово "мгла".

Богинь прозрачно одеяние,
Сияньем полно красоты...
И сердце эхом отозвалось мне,
Когда спросила я, Кто ты?

Экспромт к фотографии
Princeton, NJ

Monday, June 14, 2010

После Концерта

Юлию Киму, с безграничным уважением и благодарностью

Концерта Вашего аккорды
В душе неспешно догорят,
Но песней возведённый в лорды,
Не видит дух пути назад.

Оттдохновенья наслаждением
Преисполняясь вновь и вновь,
Дивлюсь, как движет вдохновение
Из песни в песнь сама любовь.

Знать серафим шестью крылами
Над Вами милость распростёр,
Предрёк, чтоб жил в любви с богами,
И творчества не гас костёр.

* * *
Эпистолярным старым жанром
А к Вам пишу... Хочу сказать
Что песнями души пожары
Вам не впервой уж разжигать.

Но Вы в порыве благодушия
Мои восторги восприняв,
С экрана, что глядит бездушно,
Вы не сотрёте же меня...

* * *
И в лихорадке стихотворства,
И в рифмоплётстве бытия
С душой напару песня шьётся -
Одежд словесных кисея.

Она прозрачна и реальна,
Она дыханием полна:
Я Вам безмерно благодарна
За то, что нет в той песне дна.

Что безразличья многоликость
С улыбкой удалось презреть,
И что души величье гибкой
Струной сумели так воспеть.

И если чудо вдруг случится,
И стих мой в душу западёт,
То приглашаю на страницу -
В окно поэзии моё.

June 13, 2010
North Brunswick - Princeton, NJ

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Poetry of The Shift

This post is no longer available here. The collection Orange Wings: Poetry of The Shift, CreateSpace will appear at the end of 2011 in print and in a digital format. For the latest news, and to support the project by choosing to "Like" a page on Facebook, please go to www.facebook.com/orange.wings.poetry

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dragon Dream

Fierce, fire breathing,
Swinging its huge talons;
I stand below; It leans down;
I can feel his burning hot breath from here.
He lunges at me...
I wake up with a start,
but there is no danger here,
not in my good, comfy bed!

Written by my son, Michael, 9

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Leaving Atlantis

***This piece is no longer available here. It now appears as a part of a collection Orange Wings: Poetry of The Shift in digital and printed formats.

Look for Orange Wings on Amazon.com:

Orange Wings [Kindle Edition]
Publisher: com.Unity; 1 edition (April 1, 2012)

Orange Wings [Paperback]
Publisher: CreateSpace; 1 edition (April 30, 2012)
ISBN-13: 978-1475286663
ISBN-10: 147528666X

Follow Orange Wings on Facebook:

Home at Last

What a journey! And yet, it is just a beginning - yet another beginning of our Divine Journey to the Heart, toward the Unified Field of Oneness.

We are no longer lonely, and we no longer need to hold hands. The true freedom comes - and is - inside, and staying in one's own truth inevitably brings unconditional unlimited freedom.

All is well. A lot of work ahead still, but it is time to rest now.

06/07/10 11:11 p.m.