Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Not In Training

We are not in training, we are in mastery here.

Would it change your perspective on that who you are, and that what you do, had you known that what's written above is true? If so, take it and allow it to work for you:

You are not in training, you are in mastery here.

And when you are ready to accept this truth, just state, "I am ready." Do not wait for someone to tell you that you are ready, like Neytiri had to say to Jake in Avatar. He was in training on Pandora in his avatar body; You are in mastery on Earth in your human body, the body you created yourself while in full consciousness. Believe you or not, every single detail of it was carefully designed by You to serve the purpose of You remembering your mastery while in human form.

There is a lot of respect and support for you in this world, and we do not mean the dense world, not only it. And it is much desired that you re-connect with the respect for Self right from where You are now - a master in a human form.

Your dragon is awaiting its Master. Are you ready?

Friday, March 19, 2010

That What We Do In Passion

There is nothing outside of Oneness.
There is an illusion of it however.
And with enough focus on it,
it gets as real as it is now.

I wrote those lines in my notebook last week, ten days ago to be precise. I remember having an uncomfortable feeling then that most certainly sprouted from liking myself not. And maybe it was for a split second, and maybe it had no particular reason, I, however, interrupted the flow of me being ME, which means staying in my passion and being responsible for Who I Am.

That flashback helped me to notice that I am doing much better and staying in my power these days. In gratitude and appreciation for all the guidance and support, I asked:

- Who has a message for me today about [that what I do in passion]?

The answer I received was from the Hathors. Beautiful and loving, here it is. If you choose so, put "that what you do in passion" in the brackets, and enjoy your message.

Our Beloved,

We watch you, and we smile, for we see how close you are to where your heart desires to be. It is literally one breath away. You know what? Do not push. Just breathe, just [do that what you do in passion], and just allow your highest dreams come to your inspired actions. It will, inevitably: Just watch.

For now though, use every chance to practice; practice to [do that what you do in passion], and practice to be kind to yourself. Ask your Soul often, adjust your course if necessary, and keep your focus in the higher dimensions, always.

You should see - and feel - how much support you have with what you do! Doubt not, for it brings down into the density of the old world your creation at a blink of an eye. Remember: never doubt yourself. Use your discernment choosing where to put your attention and intention, and once a choice is made just follow through step by step. You know how, we are telling you.

Good night now, and see you.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Step at a Time

Remember what I did not remember the other day? This morning I still had no memories from the sleep space, yet felt more playful. So, I allowed to be written what came in the amount of words it came. Do not be misled by the terseness of the message: There is abundance of information there; just allow it to unfold, step by step.

The Oneness is here. What does it mean? It is available now to all your senses, and it is available to your thoughts. Your thought patterns and your feelings are to be experienced depending on where you put your attention. Choose wisely.

And one more thought added in the evening:

Humbleness is knowing precisely where your truth lies.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Don't Remember What I Remember

"What is it that I don't remember? Or, I think I don't... What's that?" I posed a question upon awakening sensing that there is a whole body of knowledge that can be labeled as new for human mind yet not quite able to pinpoint exactly what it is.

The answer transmitted is below, and it talks about balance between allowing and understanding. I guess the next piece might be about humbleness as the balance between experiencing and allowing.

Good morning,

This is indeed about balance. You are balancing a lot these days as Earth is balancing its own body and concepts built upon her reality in the dense world of time and space. A lot is rearranging now. But it is not doing so on its own. You do it. A lot of you putting a lot of effort from your heart to create a new reality. And you are being successful.

Do not wait for any "but". Every thing has its opposite side, and a shadow, in a world of duality. Waiting for "but" indicates that your focus is still in that world. It is indeed instilled in your way of thinking as a part of that world. And this is why it is essential to change your habitual way of thinking.

Always see more than is presented to the eye. How? Use your feelings. The heart sees all, hears all, understands all. Acknowledge the support from your human mind, its skills, and offer it a part in the merged point where Higher Mind and Higher Heart create. Invite it to use what it knows, and to open up to the Higher Consciousness via enlightenment at the cellular level. Allow it not to understand, and allow it to be. It will balance itself out when it stops to freak out, and it needs your hep with that. Allow is the key.

Allow your rational mind to turn on in the morning, and be at peace thus not blocking your memories of being in full consciousness. Be kind to it, and be respectful. It is a part of you, but it is not whole You.

Be back, we'll tell you more.

March 13, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Translation of William Butler Yeats

With appreciation for his friendship and wisdom, to Cathal I dedicate this work. My friend, I am truly grateful for your lesson of listening with a heart when we had no language in common to exchange words then, for your unconditional support throughout the years, and for introducing me to yet another aspect of the Beauty of the language of the Heart just today.

When You are Old by William Butler Yeats, from The Rose, 1893

When you are old and grey and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;

How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;

And bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.

У. Б. Йейтс
"Когда состарившись...", из сборника Роза, 1893

Когда состарившись и поседев и в теле сном объятом,
Ты дремлешь у огня, взгляни назад,
И не спеша внимай, и в грёзах оживи тот кроткий взгляд
Что в глубине очей своих несла когда-то;

Сколь многими любимы были моменты благосклонности твоей,
И красоту твою любили, была ль любовь то иль елей,
Но был один любивший душу в тебе на перепутье всех путей,
Любивший образы печали в лице, затронутом изменчивостью дней;

И к освещённой пламенем решётке склоняясь в очаге,
В расстройстве бормочи о той Любви, что пролетала
И в поднебесье по вершинам путь держала
И спрятала лицо своё среди созвездий, затерянных в толпе.

© Copyright: Tatyana Petrovicheva, March 12, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

To Publish, or not to publish

Creating a collection of poetry to print as a book. No acceptable option is offered so far. Any recommendations, please share (via email or a Facebook message). Thank you!

Путешествие к Себе /On the Journey to a Personal Discovery/

С благодарностью и любовью всем моим дорогим Москвичам: От всего сердца спасибо за то, что вы есть!

В Москве одиннадцать часов
Сгустились тучи
Упрямо-сер небес покров
Ноябрь тягучий.

Толпясь, людей поток в метро
Не замечает,
Что время новое пришло -
И не до чая.

На кухне долго обсуждать,
Что кризис прочит,
Со страхом "завтра" ожидать
Нет больше мочи.

Сегодня небо отразит
Тот свет, что льется
Из сердца каждого: в Москву
Вернется солнце.

Задумчиво лучом скользнув
По колокольням,
Припомнит солнце, где пошло
Путем окольным.

С улыбкой смотрит Михаил
На возрожденье,
И сообщает Гавриил
О пробужденьи.

Архангелы с небес глядят,
Прозрачны тучи.
Для взгляда нового на мир
Пермит получен.

Утихло все. Огни не спят
В Москве уставшей.
Зари с надеждой ждем. Наш взгляд -
На настоящем.

Да будет Свет. Да будет Дух.
Любовь - да будет.
Всё, что мы есть обретши вдруг
Уж не забудем.

Вот и пришли... Но нет конца
Пути Вселенной:
Поэму город написал,
И всё вам честно рассказал
Он вдохновенно.

25 ноября 2009 г.

Двери /Doors/

(День Рождения Души)

Моей Маме - самой нежной и самой красивой - с Любовью и Благодарностью

Открыты двери предо мной:
Их много рядом...
Шагнуть в щемящий пустотой
Проем бы надо.

В оцепененьи я стою
И жду ответа,
Крича вопросы в темноту
За краем света.

То, что за дверью предо мной
Понять не в силах:
Как обрести души покой
В телах бескрылых?

Топтаться долго ль предстоит
Томясь сомненьем?
Или позволить свет пролить
Души рожденьем?

Пожалуй, свет я приглашу,
И радость жизни.
На запах розы я пойду,
На зов, на имя.

По имени себя назвать
Богам позволив,
На том пороге выжидать
Нет смысла боле.

В момент решительно шагнув,
Что жизнь зовется,
Я двери к сердцу распахну,
Что ярче солнца.

То сердце с богом я делю
И твердо знаю:
Раскроет крылья Мать-Земля
Меня встречая.

Наш каждый день - Рожденьем будь.
Здесь, на планете,
Мы к радости проложим путь -
Вселенной Дети.

19 сентября 2009, 4 ноября 2009
Princeton, NJ

Осенние рифмы /Autumnal Rhymes/

Сегодня день забыл начаться,
И дождик за окном стучаться
Никак не может перестать
И слезы серые унять.

Уныло голые деревья
На небо хмурое глядят,
И вне глагольного творенья
Рождаться рифмы не хотят.

Как объяснить им, непослушным,
Что правилом единодушным
В конце строки им места нет,
Или писавший - не поэт.

А может осень наступала,
Чтоб показать, что все сначала
Легко мы можем сотворять
Когда бы листья не держать?

И правил свод уча отживший,
Не мы ль под ношей придавившей
Сгибаем спины, заплатив
Тем, что не видим мы пути?

Быть может голову поднявши
И на законы не пенявши,
Оставив осужденья бред,
Играючи создать сонет?

"Уж небо осенью дышало..."
Уж кто-то положил начало
Пути, что обойдя сомненье
Ведет дорогой вдохновенья...

Веселый дождик за окном,
Напой мне песенку о том,
Как листьев праздничный наряд
Весной вернется во сто крат.

Что нам самим пришла пора
Решать, что день настал с утра,
Что осень тоже нам важна,
И рифма всякая нужна.

Что то, что мы зовем помехой
Преодолеть легко со смехом.
Что выбор наш - с любовью жить
И каждый день с утра творить.

28 октября 2009
Princeton, NJ

Оранжевый Блюз /Orange Blues/

Оранжевая ручка
В оранжевом блокноте
Оранжево рисует
Оранжевые строчки

Оранжевость одежды
Страница, отражая,
Пространство открывает,
Чего-то ожидая

И я сижу в раздумьях
О том, что есть и будет
Оранжевость момента
Как передать мне людям

Ведь свет, что в сердце ярок
Оранжевый как солнце
Не просто нам подарок
А песнь, что в небо рвется

То - наше вдохновенье,
То - жизнь, расправив крылья,
Прозрачность со-творенья
Без ржавого усилья.

Оранжевость созданья
Сегодня ощущая,
В словах передаю я,
Что чувствую и знаю.

Написано под перестук колес поезда Princeton Jct - NY Penn Station 26 сентября 2009
Закончено 10 октября 2009, Princeton, NJ

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Wave

Finally! After three days of a sense of living inside a giant wave - swooshing sound in the ears, hard time to keep the body up and functioning according to daily agenda, inability to eat or sleep properly, and ... [feel free to add your own sensations] - we are finally riding that wave!

Thank to Jim, who validated our sanity last night by saying that another wave of light did come to the planet on the first of the month. And the work we did yesterday created such a great personal space that a completely new world was here upon awakening this morning.

The energy is readily available for each of us to create the life we dreamed of, hoped for, and worked on collectively for long long time. And though we kept asking whether we are there, we actually arrived here, for what we have been looking for has always been with-in us. It is right here, in the heart, that we experience the quietness of mind and emotions, and master the focus on who we really are. Enjoy the ride!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Flashback

Twenty years ago almost to the day, I started on the path of consciously taking responsibility for my life. Two years ago today, I had a split moment to choose life. Today I am infinitely grateful for every one on my path who helped me, one way or another, to make those choices, and to learn, step by step, to appreciate the miracle of present moment called Life.

There is a story behind every step... later.

Monday, March 1, 2010

From The Council of The Violet Flame

St. Germain, and AA Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst:

What we are to provide you today with is the information on the latest development in the Earth ascension into the fifth dimensional consciousness.

Why is that of importance to be communicated on a conscious level? Simple: You are moving consciously into the higher dimensions, and that is the only way to keep your focus there. It does not necessarily mean that your rational mind woud fully understand the process, but it has the ability to choose what you focus upon. With our assistance, you can stay on target with ease, if you choose so.

The Violet Flame at this time is fully activated and anchored into the core of Earth consciousness. The planetary cataclysms bring your attention to where activation of higher dimensional "thinking" is timely and appropriate. It also allows people to let go of their attachment to opinions deeply rooted into duality. The Violet Flame assists those who are choosing to do the work toward ascension of humanity without attachment to the appearances around them.

Once you choose to be on that path, your view of life in the physical form changes dramatically. Your only duty is to allow the flow of love and light through your Higher Heart: An easy task of enormous importance.

We are in the totally new territory right now, and we remind you that old rules and beliefs might simply not work here. In fact, they work as attachments to the old world of the well-developed illusion of duality, and as such are very sticky.

Just remember that we can assist you when and only when you choose to let go and move forward. The energy has to flow, and no matter how fast the rapids are we are with you on that boat, and we salute your amazing physicality that sustains the trip with such dignity and courage.

We love you beyond words. We are not complete, but we will stop now for you to process this piece before the next turn of the river. Be blessed in your work, and be Light in your life. We are getting there, but the beauty is in the journey, and it has always been. Enjoy.