Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Dream

Rejecting any part of ourselves creates a barrier that excludes the infinite resources of the One Life.
- Almine, AlmineWisdom on Twitter

I did not intentionally allow a space for creating a flow of information to be transcribed into words today. The diagnosis was common: Busy. But with the heartfelt gratitude I have to say that I was guided to do so, almost forcefully. And I could only appreciate that force, for its name is Kindness. It also was an affirmation that I state my intentions clearly.

I had a dream last night. It was a very vivid one, with a lot of details and emotions. And it was not the experience I would expect these days, for it took place in our "daytime" 3D world involving people, most of whom I know well. What is wrong with that? Everything!

We've been nearly consciously traveling in the space and across the higher dimensions on a regular basis now. And, suddenly, I am back being stack in the astral plane, waking up in a dream and finding myself in a tent full of snakes? What do I do with that picture?

It must have been that I stated the intention to know, for the guidance was in form of precise directions of where to go and what to read. This is how a quote Almine posted a few hours ago became the epigraph for this piece.

Let's read it again: "Rejecting any part of ourselves creates a barrier that excludes the infinite resources of the One Life."

Now the picture is assembling like a puzzle: collective subconscious, archetypes, astral space... No, I am not inviting you into a honeycomb of psychoanalytical discussions. On the contrary, the message is to stop any analysis, and to accept lovingly and unconditionally any part of you that has been rejected.

This is an easy task - just state your intention. And the benefit is grand: balanced You, balanced Humanity, and the direct access to the infinite resources of the One Life.

What is on your list of priorities for tonight? And for the new day? Did you state your intention to choose One Life clearly?

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