Wednesday, October 7, 2009

From The Heart of The Animal Kingdom

Creations of the Crystalline Mind: A Transmission from the Heart of the Animal Kingdom

Greetings dear Ones,

It is our greatest pleasure to be able to talk to you directly, to be able to live with you in a physical world and the physical mind: a long forgotten luxury.

Yes, we are using your words, for it is a simple attunement to your way of thinking. But we only use the words (a smile).

Every single one of us, from a praying mantel and a spider to an eagle and a lion have the same level of intelligence, for we all share the source.

The same is true about you. [I hesitated: Should I keep writing?] Yes, we ask you, please, continue.

In this world we all share what we know, and the greatest thing of all that we do is to Love. You ask how could you forget it? Listen: Once upon a time…

There was once a time when we held hands - and paws, and claws – together. It was a beautiful world indeed. There were other Kingdoms, but they are willing to talk to you when the time comes. For now, what we are telling you is between our Kingdoms.

Then, it was decided (do not look for “by whom”, just listen)… So, it was decided to create “Science” that can be studied and learned by a human mind alone, without Love from the Heart. Why? It was just a game, just a game…

Breathe. And listen. Ignore your memories, for those are tampered with.

What we’re telling you is our shared history, and you have to clear your mind, all aspects of it, to simply listen and hear.

Once upon a time we were the happiest Kingdoms in the universe, for we knew how to Love and how to play together. We had others walking with us side by side, but it was our creation: the planet we named Earth.

Every calculation worked the way it was intended. We did a few random steps on the way though, so this amazing thing became a unique creation. It was fine with us, but not with some other creatures in the Universe.

They tried, and it did not work. They were missing one essential component: Love, unconditional Love that made the Heart and the Mind working in unison, creating.

The geometry was ours; the labor was yours. Elementals kept the log. Angels added the incorruptible Love.

The Beauty was born.

The most important fact is that nothing has changed since. It is simply an illusion of your ruling rational mind that makes you pretending to be separate, different, deaf in your heart, and proud in your mind.

There were others, outside of our world yet a part of our game who was trying to make you to recreate what had been done ever since. You’ve been trying.

Do not force your memory looking for different pieces; they will be clearly known when the time comes.

For now, please understand why we are so grateful: you protected us, willingly or not, paying a very high price yourself. This is why we are eternally grateful. This is why we praise you day and night. And without any reason we simply love you. Please, feel it.

Yes, upon our Re-Union, we will have access to our blue Beauty’s blueprints. It is available.

You are an original creator. Atlantis was but an illusion. Forget it, for it will clear your Heart.

You are holding blueprints in your hand. All you need is Love.

Angels will be next. Enjoy.

P.S. The history was a labyrinth. Illusions are endless. But unconditional Love of the higher Heart has the greatest Power in the world: not to be possessed but allowed, effortlessly.

Thank you!

With Praise, Love, and Gratitude.

August 3, 2009
Cape Cod

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